Medium Title
16 E. Piper Ln. Ste 127
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
Facility Operating Engineer License
The American Society of Power Engineers, Inc (ASOPE) is an independent third licensing agency whose objective is to establish national standards and a formal structured level of competence for national and international recognition of the power engineer.
It seeks to break tradition by supporting a program that bridges regional boundaries. It's cornerstone is a standard qualification and testing program that is applicable in any part of the country.

ASOPE was conceived and organized by negineers and professionals who were and are members of other licensing agencies.
Sample Questions from Power Engineer License Examination:
1. High pressure steam boilers generally operate at pressures
A. above 15 psi and over 6 boiler horsepower.
B. below 15 psi and over 8 boiler horsepower.
C. above 250 psi and over 6 boiler horsepower.
D. at 212 psi and over 8 boiler horsepower.
2. Pressure gauges should never have a range less than
A. half the safety valve set pressure.
B. double the safety valve set pressure.
C. times the safety valve set pressure.
D. times the safety valve set pressure.

To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm
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